About Jib Operator Rob Fleeger

I am jib operator aka camera crane operator, Rob Fleeger. I formed Eagle Eye Crane Productions in 1995. I am located in central North Carolina. I have 30 years experience with CamMate camera cranes since 1987.  I have become one of the premier camera crane operators onCamera Crane Operator, Rob Fleeger the east coast. Focusing primarily on crane operation, I work closely with the manufacturer to field test and develop improvements to the cranes. Some items on my cranes are prototypes and many are first generation. I have worked with all models of CamMate to date.  I have also become proficient with the Jimmy Jib and robotic cameras.  I’m also an accomplished camera operator, or videographer in the corporate and sports broadcast arenas, working closely with local and national production companies.

From the beginning, I have been focused on setting the standard for camera crane operation. I bring the best possible equipment and attitude to the location to make your experience as enjoyable and productive as I can. I have a long list of events ranging from concerts, meetings, independent films, corporate events, sports, commercials and even operating rooms for major surgeries. 

I look forward to working on your next project.

Contact Rob at Eagle Eye Crane Productions.